Yoga-Based Trauma

Yoga-Based Trauma Psychotherapy YoPT

YoPT® combines the time-tested knowledge of yoga – bodywork and training of the mind – and the findings of psychotherapy research – healing trauma, transforming ego-states and bringing “inner children” to live –  to create a new approach to mental, psychological and physiological healing and transformation.

BMDR® – Body Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a methode to dissolve trauma like EMDR, but with inclusion of the whole body, regulating the  ANS, the emotional and cognitive structures, before confronting the trauma in dual consciousness to overcome fear, pain, horror and dissociation.

Introductory Day to Yoga-Psychotherapy

Introduction and preview of Yoga-Psychotherapy YoPT®

Yoga Psychotherapy (YoPT®) begins with an introductory day so that you can decide whether the training is something for you. The workshop teaches the first “yoga tools” for your own practice and introduces the mirror-neural way of working.

In the morning we learn how to use asanas, mudras and pranayamas as psychotherapeutic interventions. The afternoon is dedicated to practising in dyads and gives an overview of the whole training.

I look forward to meeting you!

What is Yoga-Psychotherapy?

Yoga Psychotherapy (YoPT®) is a new psychotherapeutic approach that integrates the deep knowledge of the body and the spirituality of yoga into psychotherapy. YoPT® is oriented upon psychotherapy research and bases its techniques on neuropsychology. For patients, each “bottom up” technique has a “top down” explanation developed from yoga philosophy.

YoPT® uses yogic “tools” such as breath training, hand postures (mudras) and body positions (asanas) and conveys them mirror-neuronally, which is also a benefit for the therapist – she is also moving, enlivened and inspired!

The connection of the therapy process to the “yoga toos” makes it possible to repeat the therapy process “in nuce” at home, which increases the commitment of the patients and strengthens the success of the therapy. This makes psychotherapy more vivid, more active and more effective!

YoPT® is a psychotherapeutic method that can be learned without first having to complete any yoga training.

When can YoPT® be employed?

  • YoPT® has a calming effect on anxiety disorders
  • YoPT® has an activating effect on depression
  • YoPT® builds a whole-body resource that reaches the mind through the body and creates a new sense of self.
  • Through the “yoga resource” (the integration of body and mind and the building of self-awareness and self-compassion) we work on defensive structures, shadow parts, ego-states and old dysfunctional patterns (“inner child work”).
  • YoPT® uses the targeted relaxation of the ventral vagus and the mirror neuronal working method in the healing of early childhood traumas and attachment disorders, for which hypno-yoga, meditation and deep visualisation are used.
  • YoPT® integrates yogic meditation and spirituality into the therapeutic process, alowwing access to a “higher”, intuitive level of consciousness, which is connected to the bodywork.
  • YoPT® has a calming effect on anxiety disorders
  • YoPT® has an activating effect on depression
  • YoPT® builds a whole-body resource that reaches the mind through the body and creates a new sense of self.
  • Through the “yoga resource” (the integration of body and mind and the building of self-awareness and self-compassion) we work on defensive structures, shadow parts, ego-states and old dysfunctional patterns (“inner child work”).
  • YoPT® uses the targeted relaxation of the ventral vagus and the mirror neuronal working method in the healing of early childhood traumas and attachment disorders, for which hypno-yoga, meditation and deep visualisation are used.
  • YoPT® integrates yogic meditation and spirituality into the therapeutic process, alowwing access to a “higher”, intuitive level of consciousness, which is connected to the bodywork.
  • YoPT® transformes into BMDR ® –  similar to EMDR – for trauma treatment, including the whole body into the trauma dissolution by first coming into the “window of tolerance”, relaxing stress and letting go of  tension, then building up body resources and mental focus before confronting a recent or past (developmental) or shock trauma.

How is the YoPT®-Training structured?

The Yoga Psychotherapy training is modular and can be completed in one or two years.

PART ONE and THREE are dedicated to resource building. PART TWO and FOUR are dedicated to the implementation of yoga resources into the therapeutic process. A more detailed description of the training content can be found in the respective PARTS under “Training”.

After completion of the training there are annual immersion days and the possibility for supervision and self-experience in YoPT®.

The modules of the YoPT® training are recognised by the FSP within the framework of the obligation for further training. (See details in the course descriptions).